Saturday, July 22, 2006

Jackknife suv?

I drove by this one a few weeks ago, from the one side of the road, I looked like there must have been someone trapped under the van. They had 6 fire trucks, tow trucks, police, and airport personnel there, and they were all crowded around the van, well of course I turned around. This is what I found. I think what happened was an SUV towing a van jackknifed and the van rolled over the dollies. The ensuing recovery was mind-boggling. The recovery was done by the city of Chicago department of aviation tow trucks. I have no idea why, they have no recovery experience. They tow the cars that park at the airport in the wrong spot. They lifted the SUV by the side and hand pushed it off the guardrail. It did not want to go and as you can see, the one wheel was off the SUV. Once they got enough people, it finally came off. If they had that many people, why do we need tow trucks? They could have just lifted it off by hand and carried it to where they wanted.

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