Truck v.s Bridge.
On Sunday night/ Monday morning, a truck hit the low bridge on North ave. the low bridge is for a trainline that runs next to and parrellel to I90/94 (the kennedy expressway) the truck exited the highway and attempted to make a right onto north ave when it met the bridge. The truck was loaded with hardwhare for a local home depot. The weight of the load was 36,000lbs wich includes mortar, cement backboards, and some 3 gal buckets of something. The bridge in question is a very frequent spot for truck v.s. viaduct accidents. With that said, the home depot, wich is located a block away, gave the driver directions. The recovering company was Grand Aberdeen Service. (
The truck was blocking all eastbound traffic on north ave and a portion of the n/b exit ramp. the truck was cracked in � when the recovery teams showed up. The truck would have to be unloaded before it could be towed away. They decided that they would winch the trailer away from the ramp so they could winch the TT under the expressway overpass and then it would minimize the lanes blocked.
They winched the truck over and blocked the ramp from the expressway. They attempted to pull the truck out from under the bridge but it was not cooperating, it pulled back some however, the trailer did not move in the direction that was needed, it headed for a highway piller, so they needed to pull the trailer over some more. They did that and continued to pull the TT to a better location
When it was almost in the spot they wanted, the trailer gave way. The trailer floor was rotted some and the load was awfully heavy wich contributed to the trailers demise.
The accident happened at around
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