Tuesday, May 24, 2005

my life.. so far..

Here we are, another day done, well, almost. Lot of news- some good and some bad. I went to the dentist yesterday and he told me I need a root canal. I’m still unsure what that is, what the purpose is and if pain is involved. The appointment is next Tuesday. I had gone to the dentist b4 the bells palsy but the doctor told me not to go back till it was gone. I did not understand that because if my face was already numb, it would just save the dentist from having to use Novocain. So the bells palsy is gone and now I have to deal with the dentist.
At work, for the past 2 ½ weeks, I have been assigned with this one guy Tim, who has a bad reputation. We were doing landscaping and cutting trees. Actually I don’t mind this guy too much; he talks a lot and does tons of work that is not assigned to us. But I have had it pretty decent, I still work at my own pace and he is not in a hurry. Well, I had been asking, in fact begging, since the day I started, to be trained on some bigger equipment- the tractors, loaders, bobcats, message boards, street sweeper, ect.. finally, because of the new Forman, he told Timmy to train me on the tractor mower. He le me use it for all of about 20 min yesterday and he would not give me any more training on what each lever does. The Forman told him they want me trained today, and I wasn’t on the tractor once, Tim did it all. I had a chat with the Forman after we got back, and I tried not to say anything specifically about Tim b=and I just bitched that I was not getting any training at all on anything. He saw threw that and realized Tim was behind me talking to them and so they yelled at Tim again. Now he is pissed at me. So we will see what happens tomorrow.
Let’s see, what else…..
The IRS screwed up my refund and it should be sent out on Friday- actually it wasn’t their fault it was my tax guys and mine because we gave them the wrong bank account number, so they could not deposit it in the right account.

I think that’s it for now, I will keep you all posted as soon as something happens…
Oh, also I borrowed my dad’s digital camera so I can use that until I buy a new one!!


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