general road service
these pics are of general road service tips and towing guidlines.
this first pic is of a axel and they were pointing out things like how to drop a drive shaft and pull axels and caging brakes.
they borrowed a new Pete tractor and used it as a demo about proper hook up.
this is a briliant move. i dont know why i did not think of it b4. use a strap instead of heavy chain. granted it will not work on everything and its not always a good idea to hook safety chains to the boom. but i am always for using light weight straps insted of lugging chain around. adapt the strap to your individual needs.
these are examples of proper chaining of axels to the under reach
always tie farrings on rear tows.
although there are many who say that closing off the exaust pipe is not nessessary, i always lean on the side of caution. it cant hurt to tie it off and it could save you from any apperence of improper towing, for example- what if the week after a tow- the turbo goes out and even if its not your fault- someone could give you a headach arguing with you.
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